Sunday, 3 June 2012

Time to plant those tender veggies.

I've not done an update for a little while as I've been busy planting and weeding on my plots. The heat wave we had at the back end of May sent the allotment into overdrive and I'm just starting to catch up now. Here are a few photos of the full plot and what veggies have gone in.

French Beans went in around the 30th of May 

In this bed three Squash's (seed from the Grapevines Virtual Seed Parcel) and a row of Hurst Green Shaft Peas.

Courgettes and Peas in this bed. I only managed to get one Yellow courgette to germinate out of 4 seeds, the rest are Green and Black. The peas are Hurst Green Shaft Peas.

Rhubarb still coming. We've had a few crumbles and given some a way. 

Garlic and Onion bed. Red onions trying to bolt but the rest doing OK.

The sweetcorn germination was pants this year. I like to grow around 100 plants of corn but this year its going to be around 30. This is the first little block I put in. There will be a couple of other blocks around the plot but the plants are hardening off just now.

A view from bottom of the plot.

Our sons strawberry bed.

I split my comfrey into 4 plants.

This is how I grow my Brassicas. Over the last year or so we've started to get a lot of pigeons coming onto the allotments. Netting young brassica is a must.

Here are a couple of rows of early onwards dwarf peas & a couple of rows of main crop potatoes.

Still some plants in the greenhouse. All but what I'm growing in there (peppers, chillies, aubergine and cucumbers) will be moved into my mate Dave's coldframes shortly.

The view from the top of of the pallet box I keep my FYM in.

The view as I walk on to the plot.

A photo from the main path looking down the plot.

I hope you've enjoyed reading & seeing what I've been up to over the past couple of weeks.

All the best Chris.

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