Monday, 13 February 2012

Potting On

Today I decided to pot my cabbage & calabrese seedlings on into 3" pots, they will stay in these pots until they are ready to plant in the ground.

Calabrese seedlings in 3" pots, spares in mod cells.

Cabbage seedlings in 3" pots.

The brassica seedlings will be spending the night in the fleeced blow-away, its bit of a risk I know but haven't got anywhere indoors to put this many pots. I'm going to set up a fleeced blow-away inside the greenhouse on the allotment tomorrow and move them down there. 

The tomatoes and pepper seedling are getting a bit leggy also, I need to keep an eye on them, maybe pot them on sometime this week.

I've checked over my rotavator today. I have a small Honda rotavator/tiller that I like to start up and run on tick over for a couple of minutes once a month so I know its running alright when I come to use it.  

Rotavator started first pull.

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