Thursday, 9 February 2012

Seed Germination Update

It looks like the leeks are starting to come through. I know its only been 7 days and they can take double that, but we had about 4" of snow over the weekend, then it froze and so did the compost with the garlic & leek seeds in. I wasn't that worried about the garlic but I wasn't sure the leek seeds would be all right after they had been frozen, so I moved the polystyrene box into the outhouse to thaw overnight, then I moved them into one of my heated propagators. 3 days later and there's a little green shoot starting to grow ( if you've never grown leeks from seed they look like wispy bits of grass when they come through). So fingers crossed they'll be ok.

Some of the tomatoes, peppers and brassicas have germinated, also I was particularly surprised with the Calabrese and Hispi Cabbage (in left hand side seed tray) which germinated and could be seen after two days!

 Other News 

I bought a new spade and fork this week, nothing fancy just Spear & Jacksons stainless steel jobbies, I tend to leave tools in my sheds in spring and summer as I don't always drive to my plots. I have two plots on two sites, so two sets of tools. I don't have much room on my bike for heavy things, only me!! Also I picked up a Fiskars potting trowel for £1.99 RRP £7.95, but that will be stopping at home. I have wilkos specials at the allotment.

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