Saturday, 27 April 2013

April's Allotment Garden Update

Hello stranger. It feels like a long time since I posted an update. Apart from the one I thought I'd posted weeks ago and had to post this evening. What am I like? Don't answer that. 


So here's what I've been up to on the new garden over the last month.

 So I got the old rotavator on the job. Tilled all that manure into the soil and levelled it off ready for the paving slabs. 

Had a little friend watching me with the tiller. Helped himself to a few worms.  

Path in front of the greenhouse. Sorted :o) 

Paths two & three no problem :oP

My back was so pleased when I'd finished!

The plot as the sun goes down. No need for raised beds but I may add gravel boards at some point.

Shallots and onions from seed. Brassicas top right and top middle.

Potted on my onions that I've grown from seed. These are going in the ground in about a weeks time.

I've made a new few videos for my youtube channel this month. I only started the channel so I could upload a few end of season slideshows. But I started to get a few subscribers so I thought I'd do a few more. Hope you like them :o)     

April 2013 Allotment Garden Update 


Potato planting 18-04-2013


Parsnip Seed Tape 21st of April 2013 


Thanks for taking the time to look/watch and read.

Till the next one. 

Raised Bed Plot Update

Oops I thought I'd posted this update weeks ago!

I need to bring some cow muck up for this rhubarb.

 Time to get the soil ready for planting. Being a fulltime Dad I use a rotavator
to speed this job up. 

My son's on half term break so he's helping his old dad on the allotment. His job is leveling the soil. And he's not doing a bad job!
It wasn't long before I got the.... 
When are we going home question! 

It was cold and my plot is quite exposed bless 

Dave putting his early potatoes in .
 Before I went home I ran my rotavator round his raised beds. He grows some fantastic veg and regularly helps me.

Just waiting for some sunshine now.

Thank You For Looking! ;oD

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Has spring sprung? Err No.

So the clocks have gone forward and we're now on British Summertime. Can someone tell the weather that because I've tried and it ain't listening to me. Although, the people in the know say we're stuck with this cold weather for another fortnight.  I'm taking their forecast with a pinch of salt cos to me it's just a good guess. 

Anyway, here's a bit of what I've been doing on my allotments. 

Greenhouse #2 uncovered and dug over ready for the season ahead.

I then re-covered and put all my stuff back in there until I'm ready.

The two rows of garlic that I planted last October are looking ok. 

The three rows of Japanese onions which I planted at the same time
 as the garlic are not doing as well though.

The beds are looking tired now on this plot, but seeing as I'm leaving at the end of the season I'll just patch them up as I go. I've given the bottom half of the plot up so I'm expecting to see someone working it soon. 

The next day we woke to this.

The snow is not helping as I need to get some paths down asap.


Did a couple of videos in the snow, hope you like them.

 The link above opens a video in another window as I couldn't get it on this page, like the others.  
In the video there's a look at what's growing in the greenhouse. 


Hopefully by the end of this month at least I'll have my potatoes and onions in the ground.

Thanks for looking in :o)